We got in to St. Joe about 8:30 est and checked in at the Ramada. This is where we’ve stayed numerous times on our travels out west. However, we think we will start looking for another place to stay in the future. During the night, after we had gotten Bubba settled down, Tommy was asleep and I was almost asleep, the alarm went off in the hotel. Not our room–the hotel! It took a while for them to figure out there was no problem and turn the alarm off. It went off 6 more times in about 2 hours time. Needless to say, it took a while for us to get to sleep. When I checked out in the morning and told them we were “not happy”, they weren’t apologetic at all. They did, however, give us a $15 credit–Big Smelly Deal!!
On our trip through Nebraska we decided to get off I80 and travel some 2 lane roads and visit some of the least populated counties in the US. One of which is Arthur County. I had told Tommy that when we got there I wanted to make sure I got a couple pictures of the Arthur name on signs. Terry and Chris–this one’s for you!
Now before anyone out there gets upset and reports us to the ASPCA, we didn’t kill this coyote. Someone had evidently hit it, got out of their car and slung him up over the sign. Guess this should give coyotes a message, huh?
The whole county of Arthur, Nebraska has a total population of 476. The town of Arthur’s population is 134. We had read an article in Sports Illustrated about their 6-man football team. Get this–the high school has 34 students and 19 are on the football team! Arthur also boasts that they have the smallest courthouse in the world. I took some pictures of it, but wasn’t terribly impressed.
We journeyed on to Alliance. Alliance is the home to Carhenge (see below). Isn’t it amazing what people think up to do?