Friday, April 20, 2018
We left Laramie at 7:45 AM–it was 36 degrees and cloudy. Sometimes when I can’t sleep or I’m bored while riding, I look for things to take pictures of while driving 75 MPH. Not easy. On this morning we saw a thunderstorm with lightning off to the south. I was shocked that I was able to get some flashes of lightning.
We drove through the Squaw Creek Wildlife Preserve once again hoping to see more than when we had gone through a week earlier. We saw an eagle sitting in her nest. You can barely see the top of the head of one of her babies. A couple who stopped while I was taking pictures said they had seen three babies. We also saw lots of snow geese and a great big hawk.
We had wanted to get to Columbia for the night but the Drury Inn was full. So we ended our day at the Drury Inn in Independence at 7:00 PM. We were tired and neither of us wanted to get back in the truck to go get dinner. We ate at the hotel–yuck. But the Bloody Mary was good. :)