And yet another barn in the middle of corn!
This was probably my favorite of all the barns we saw. But not because of the barn itself, it was the American Gothic painting on it. Pretty cool, huh? Just to the side of the barn was a ladder which led Tommy to believe that they are possibly going to paint something on the side. It might be worth another trip next year to find out.
The sky was so cool as we stopped at this barn. We stayed here for about 20 minutes to let Bubba stretch his legs. It was so quiet here.
Tommy said he saw several of these “quilt” barns. This was the only one I saw–and it wasn’t because I was sleeping.
Tommy wasn’t sure what the purpose of this “pillbox” is. So I took a picture of it. Maybe someone from Iowa could let us know.
This was the last barn that we saw in Iowa. The Dunham Barn built in 1870 is on the National Register of Historic Places.