Friday, September 28
We left the hotel at 9:25 AM, it was cloudy and 55 degrees. It felt like Fall. :)
We planned on getting breakfast on our way to the Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge. Unfortunately, when we got there it looked like everyone had packed up and left town. We did see, however, acres and acres of water lilies which had already bloomed. That place must be an awesome sight when the lilies are in bloom.

We kept checking the weather and the radar hoping we could get out of the rain. It looked as if we went north into South Dakota we could miss it, so we did.
It’s rather funny the things Tommy sees and I don’t and vice versa. When he turned the truck around to go take pictures of the following church, which I had not seen, I saw these gas pumps and he didn’t.

As we wandered northward, we saw the steeple of this church from miles away. I know I’ve said it time and again but a lot of churches in the midwest are in the middle of corn fields. This shows it perfectly.

I realized that we were fairly close to one of my favorite churches and asked if we could go find it. I knew that I had the address of the church somewhere but couldn’t find it. As we turned around (again) to go ask at a vet’s office we found the following sign. Tommy got out and asked the vet if he knew where the church was. He knew exactly as some of his wife’s family had been members there.
We wound up staying at the Best Western in Yankton, SD. We arrived at the hotel at 6:40 PM.
1244 miles driven