Girls’ Road Trip – Day 3 – Monday, September 8

After eating breakfast and checking out of our hotel, we headed to Babe Ruth’s Birthplace. This should have been a fairly easy thing to do, but we got turned around a bit. Anne’s GPS kept trying to get us to turn the wrong way on a one-way street. And those of you who know me and love me know that I’m not the best map reader. :) But, we found it!

Here is Sue checking out some of the information on Babe Ruth. Kerry and Anne at the front door.
If Julian and Tommy had been with us we would have probably been there most of the day. Since they were not there, we were able to leave and make it to Annapolis for lunch. I had never been to Annapolis and enjoyed it very much. I would like to go back and spend a couple of days. We took a water taxi to lunch at Carrol’s Creek Cafe. Lunch (for Kerry included crab) was really good, but dessert was scrumptious!

The view from our table at lunch.

Looking down toward the bay.We left Annapolis and drove to St. Michael’s where we checked into the Old Brick Inn.

Dinner was at the Town Dock. Yes, I had some more crab!

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