Thursday, May 10, 2018
On our way to Bryce Canyon, Tommy saw a pulloff that had some information at it. Seeing nothing of interest from the truck he was curious so he turned in. There were two Anasazi granaries way up high. Pretty cool and we would never have seen them if Tommy hadn’t pulled over.
Then on to Bryce Canyon.
After looking at Inspiration Point we met up with the others at the Visitors’ Center where Amanda, B and I got our Passport books stamped. Miss B also got to “adopt” a prairie dog who she named Prairie Doggy. :)

We ended our day at Bryce Canyon by having lunch at the Lodge. The food took forever to get and wasn’t very good. When we got home, we rested a bit before going out to dinner. Amanda called the Circle D Eatery to see about reservations since there were 7 of us. She was told reservations were not necessary. Unfortunately, when we got there the place was full. We waited quite a while and when it looked like it was going to be a while longer, Evan found another place for us to go. We had a wonderful dinner at the North Creek Grill. Tommy is still talking about the lava rock they brought out with his steak. :)