January 21, 2018

It was a beautiful weekend here.I walked around outside thinking I might want to photograph some birds. Unfortunately there were very few to be seen. So I decided I would clean out the bird boxes. Wow! They were stuffed full. I don’t know how a bird could have even gotten inside them.

Anyhow, since I didn’t have any birds to shoot I decided to take a picture of one of the boxes. It’s now clean and waiting for a new family.

January 13, 2018

Amanda, Evan and Miss B were supposed to have flown to Atlanta on Wednesday. Amanda was going to work Career Day at Darlington on Friday. Unfortunately, Miss B got sick at school on Monday. She was vomiting and running a fever. We were all hoping it was a 24 hour bug. But, as things happen, whatever she had–the flu–was passed on to her mom and dad. So they had to cancel their trip.

I had ordered tickets for Amanda, Evan, Miss B, Hall and me to go to the Georgia Aquarium while they were here. Hall and I decided to go ahead without them. Then we found out that Molly would be in town and would be coming with us. Yay! We got there about 9:45 Saturday morning. I had booked their Behind the Seas Tour for 10:30. We walked around until it was time for the tour. We actually got to watch the whale sharks being fed. Nature in all its many forms is pretty amazing.




January 8, 2018

This past week was a time for resting up from the holidays and our trip to Laramie for Christmas. It’s getting harder for us to make the trip in two days. And because of the weather this time of year, we don’t get off the interstate and wander.

On Friday we went for my 6 month check-up. We were both a bit nervous, but the news was good. My breathing, according to them, was excellent. The doctor also said that there was slow progression. Yay!

Today is Bubba’s 10th birthday. He is such a funny boy. Some people think he’s crazy because he gets so excited when company comes. But after a few minutes he settles down.
