January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!

This is a strange day for us. For the past 40 years or so (we’re really not sure when this started), we have had people come over to eat, drink and watch college football bowl games. Somewhere along the way, we got too old to want to drink much or eat much. And then TV has really messed up football watching. It used to be such fun to have two or three televisions on so we could keep up with all of the games. Tommy and I did make cheese dip though. :)

Catching Up

The flowers were once again blooming in the yard.
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We had a party so close family and friends could meet Miss B. Amanda’s high school friends, the Gordons, came with their daughter.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to stay longer than two weeks with the kids. Tommy and Bubba came and got me and we headed home. Before we left though I was able to take lots of pictures of Miss B.

DSC_5004  DSC_5030_forWeb DSC_5025_forWeb  DSC_5241_forWebDSC_5060Nap time!

DSC_5380_forWebMiss B got to meet her Uncle Hall!


We were expecting Camper to make her appearance on or around May 4. Well, she had another thought. She arrived on April 16 in the middle of a snowstorm. What a way to come in!



The Georgia Death Race

Hall entered a race called The Georgia Death Race with a couple of his running buddies. Why in the world would anyone want to run a race with that name? It was a 60 mile (give or take a few miles according to Hall, Kyle and Josh) trail beginning at Vogel State Park running up and down the mountains and ending at Amicalola Falls. The race began at 4:00 a.m. Crazy, huh?

Tommy and I drove up and met them (and Laura–Kyle’s girlfriend and the Crew Chief) at two of the Aid Stations. We brought food, water, Coke, Advil, Immodium, towels, washcloths and even a camp stove to cook Hall a grilled cheese sandwich!

This is at the 25 mile Aid Station–they hardly looked like they’d been sweating!

Getting some sugar and caffeine, changing shoes and socks.

Heading out again.

Coming up to the Aid Station at mile 40 (the guys said that it was really 44 miles). Notice the Ace bandage on Hall’s left leg? He hurt his ankle and that ended the race for him. Kyle and Josh continued on and finished the race at 12:30 a.m. Can you imagine running/walking from 4:00 a.m. Saturday to 12:30 a.m. Sunday?


A Happy Man

After all the rain we’d had, the ground finally dried enough for Tommy to get out in the garden. His first task was to till, and till and till again. He was a happy man this weekend as he was able to play in the dirt!

And to make Tommy even happier, Bubba brought him a stick. Ain’t life grand?

Spring, Southeastern Flower Show and an Anniversary

We’ve had daffodils blooming in the yard but they are so hard for me to get a good picture of. Crocus, however, are lots easier. I love these pretty, little flowers.

I entered 4 photos into the Southeastern Flower Show’s Photography competition. I got word this morning that they had accepted two of them. The first one is in the Flashbacks – Another Time category. The second one is in the Flowers, Flowers, Flowers category. Two years ago I got an Honorable Mention and a 2nd Place (with a $50 gift card) in this competition. Wish me luck!!

Tommy and I celebrated 35 years of wedded bliss today. WOW–where did the time go?

Best in Class!

My photography club holds a Second Chance competition each December. This competition is made up of all 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Honorable Mention images from the previous 11 months. The judge for this competition decides on the Best in Class image for each of the following categories:

  • Color Print
  • Monochromatic Print
  • Digitally Projected

I was not at the meeting when these choices were announced as we were in Wyoming. I did receive an email telling me that my photo Pontiac in Snow was named the Best in Class for Digitally Projected. Woo Hoo!! And here it is (again):


Wyoming Christmas – Time to Go Home

The night before we were to leave to head home we looked out and saw this:

We weren’t sure if we were going to be able to get out the next morning. When we got up we saw about 4″ of new snow but Tommy wanted to go ahead and try the roads.

This did not deter us:

Interstate 80 was like this about half way across Nebraska.

The last photo taken on this trip was the Church on 80 again. This time the church was in the snow.

The trip home was uneventful which is a good thing. But it was the worst traffic overall than any other trip we’ve taken. While we had another wonderful visit in Wyoming with the kids, we were certainly glad to be home.

Wyoming Christmas & Sledding

Kim, Joe and the kids came up from Colorado to visit us. I had asked Joe if he thought the kids might want to go sledding and he said yes. I don’t think he realized what a “real” sledding hill looked like!

Evan and Max

Joe and Ali

At this point, I think Ali was saying, “Dad, I’m done!”

Max was driving after Evan fell off the sled!