This was to be a lazy, restful day. While I waited for Amanda to get up, I walked down the alley to take some pictures of the flowers. Amanda and Evan’s backyard neighbor has the most gorgeous columbines. I’ve never seen any this color. Last summer Nancy gave us some seeds from this columbine. We have plants but no flowers yet. Aren’t these beautiful?
Then there are the yellow thistles:
And the yellow columbines:
When Amanda got ready we went downtown, walked around and did some shopping. We had lunch at the Italian restaurant which we had tried to eat at the night before. After that we went home got everything ready for the big day on Saturday. That night Evan wanted to go to the Cavalryman for dinner as he wanted to eat a lot before the race. Tommy and I were a bit disappointed. This is one of our favorite places to go for dinner while in Laramie. They did not have 3 of the wines we tried to order nor 2 of the appetizers listed (but we didn’t want to order). Amanda said that when she went into the restroom they had been painting and left paint cans, brushes and other paint stuff in the room and only one stall was available. The good thing though that the appetizers we did order and our entrees were pretty good. For those of us lucky enough to have the right seats, we could see this:
Not only could we see the magnificent sky and mountains, we watched these hawks—one on the top of the tree and one in the nest towards the top. Not something we’re likely to see at a restaurant at home.
Nest up—the big bike race day!